Thursday, November 12, 2009

Emily Dickinson

Stayed away from the world- didn't want her poems to be published after she died. She wanted the poems burned but after four years of her being dead her sister decided to publish them. They were too good to keep hidden. She wrote poems about sadness and hope in her life. A lot of them had to do with death of a family member of herself.

Necessary to Protect Ourselves

By Malcolm X
Malcolm is more for the violence- he thinks that blacks need to protect themselves and however they do that is fine.
-He says that if the police are unwilling to protect them then they have to protect themselves.
-He says that no white is willing to protect a black: ex: FBI
-He says that the county was made by people that were tired of the way things were- and you should expect something of the same thing from blacks soon.

Stride Towards Freedom

By Martin Luther King Jr.
-There are three ways to deal with the fair and unjust:
1. crawl into yourself-try to crawl away from it.
2. physical violence
3. nonviolent resistance- this is the way Martin Luther King thinks it should be done.

Ballad of Birmingham

-A girl asks to go down town to protest and her mother says no. It is not safe for little girls. They should be going to church and singing. After she sends her daughter to church the church was blown up by a white supremacist. She only found her daughters shoe.

Coming of Age in Mississippi

By Anne Moody
-this is a story of Anne as college student and her experiences.
-Anne is trying to graduate, her credits haven't been passed on and she can't live on campus b/c she doesn't have any money. She can't eat very much and she knows she has to finish to show everyone. How wrong they were about her. She is helping with movement.
-Anne was to be a spokes person at a local lunch counter for the NAACP. The police knew something was going to happen but not when and where.
-Her and two students sat down at the all white lunch counter.
-The waitress turn off the lights and run away.
-They just sat there as more and more people came in-some white college students tied a noose and tried to put it around their necks. They were called every name in the book.
-They started to pray and a man threw Memphis on the floor and started kicking him. Anne was slapped and the police arrested Memphis and the attacker. Pearlena was thrown to the floor, they got back on the stools and tried to keep composure.
-They got stuff thrown at them and by the time they were covered. Anne went into a salon and got her hair washed.

Gettyburg Address

The Gettysburg Battle started over shoes. The confederate army needed shoes but when sent to get them they encountered Union Soldiers.
-July 1-3, 1863
the union won
President Lincoln gave speech in remembrance of the soldiers lost.

3. I think that Lincoln was a very noble man. He was respected in everything he did and was able to bring many people together.
-In his speech he says that everyone will come together and that the nation will have a new birth. He brings hop to the people.
-He remembers the soldiers lost in the Battle of Gettysburg, he dedicates this speech and the resting place to them.
-He tells the people that they need to be as dedicated to the cause of making this county better just as the soldiers were at fighting for their side.
-He visions the nation as being born again, he says that it will be governed by the people, by the people and for the people.

Narrative of Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave

The narrative of Frederick Douglas is about his life and what he goes through as a slave. His original owner rented him out to a neighboring slave driver to try to break him in. Frederick had been a house slave and had learned to read and write but could not work in the fields. When he was sent to the other plantation he was beaten very badly. He was whipped for no reason and so one day he decided to go back home. He was almost dead as he walked seven miles up the road. When he got back to his owners, they told him he had to go back. He met some friends that gave him a root saying that it would help him. They told him that he would never be whipped again as long as he kept this root in his pocket. He goes back to his owner and the owner is about ready to give him a big whipping. Frederick stands up for himself and takes the owner by the neck and almost chokes him. From then on Frederick was never beaten. The owner was scared of him and he realized he could stick up for himself.

-word choice
-sentence choice
-figurative language
-use of dialogue

Figurative Language:
"He was under every tree, behind every stump, in every bush, and at every window, on the plantation." (565)
Word Choice:
"We were worked in all weathers." (565)
"I was broken in body, soul, and spirit." (565)
"My sufferings on this plantation seem now like a dream rather than a stern reality. . . " (565)
Use of Dialogue:
"Covey said, 'Take hold of him, take hold of him!"'